EXERTER project structure

EXERTER has worked on the needs, gaps, research initiatives, and standardisation and certification in different internal work packages. Bringing different stakeholders such as academia, research institutes and industry together in a network was a central part of EXERTER, and work is dedicated to help exploitation and facilitate the process towards commercialisation.

EXERTER Work package structure

WP2 – Scenario definition and requirements identification

The yearly scenario is the basis for the gathering of end-user requirements and capability gaps, which takes place through interviews with the end users in the EXERTER Network, questionnaires in order to reach a wider range of stakeholders, and a workshop together with selected end users.

WP3 - Review of research initiatives

The review of research activities aims at identifying the most interesting and exploitable initiatives with the potential to encounter the identified capability gaps.

WP4 – Standardisation and certification

This work package focuses on identifying priority areas for standardisation and certification within the different phases of the counter-terrorist timeline. Based on the requirements and gaps the viability of the implementation of standardisation and/or certification activities, is investigated both in the short and long term.

WP5 – Exploitation of innovations

The difficulties to exploit research innovations into mature products is managed in this work package. A state-of the-art survey will support practitioners with an overview of the current market and technologies. This work package also supports the initiation of end users/researchers/security industry/academy cooperation for future commercialisation of exploitable research results.

WP6 – Analysis and recommendations

Based on the end-user needs, this work package performs an overall analysis of the results and provides recommendations on the way forward to encounter the capability gaps and requirements. The analysis will reveal whether this should be accomplished by additional research, the initiation of standardisation/certification activities and/or exploitation (commercialisation) of new innovative technologies.

WP7 – Annual interaction workshops

The annual workshops are aimed for both EXERTER partners, members in the EEC and external stakeholders, providing an unique opportunity to communicate, share information, learn about new innovations, find collaborators and exploiters, and listen to practitioners’ experience in the field.

WP9 - Evolution of threats and attack strategies

A work package is dedicated to keeping updated with past events and the evolvement of threats and attack strategies in order to include relevant questions in the analysis.


FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency
Department of Weapon Effects and Security of Explosives

SE-164 90 Stockholm



Anneli Ehlerding

Project Manager

Tel : +46 8 555 030 00
Email: anneli.ehlerding@foi.se

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786805.